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The biggest clock in Poland and probably in Europe driven by a Big Spiner clockwork

Clock-face diameter - 8 meters
Clock-hands lenght - 3,70 meters
Clock-hands mass - over 150 kg
Illuminated with 5000 LED's
Clock is installed at industrial building at over 100 meters altitude.

Data relating to our big-sized clockworks

- clockworkcan attend clocks with diameter up to 12 meters
- it is made of stainless and rub-resistant materials (bronze, stainless steel, poliamids)
- it moves clock-hands of weight over 160 kg
- it enables feeding clock-hands with interior illumination, for instance in Opole we used almost 5000 LED's
- mechanism power is only 23 W - what enables slender electricity drain
- it doesn't require oiling
- it doesn't contain any working electric joints
- it secures the smooth move of clock-hands
- it has additional battery with automatic charging system (if clock woldn't have been equipped with additional battery, than after drain loss, clock automatically set itself right, drain loss doesn't cause time-information loss).
- clockwork is equipped with optical clock-hand control system
- computer controlling clockwork detects and automatically corrects an clock-hand error (results of clockwork damage or surcharging of clock-hand).
- propulsive moment is programmable, max to 500Nm
- it can work continually (together with baterries) in temperatures between -35° to 70°C
- clockwork has two programmable outputs for other devices (such as bells or illumination)
- clockwork has small size and weight
- our clockworks are produced in Poland, all of it's elements were designed and produced here.

this is how the installation process looked like>>

Waryńskiego St. 18
tel. +48 601 725955
fax +48 91 4871836